WebPage Creation Using HTML

WebPage Creation Using HTML

The basic requirements to create webpage using HTML are as follows.

• Text Editor

It is used to write HTML commands. Any simple text editor like Notepad or Wordpad can be used for this purpose.

• Web Browser

It is used to test the web pages. Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator are two popular web browsers. You can also use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser.

Basic Structure Of HTML Document

The basic structure of the HTML document is as follows.




      < BODY>



In every HTML document <HTML> and </HTML> tags indicate the beginning and end of the document. These tags inform the browser that the document is an HTML file. All other HTML tags must be written within these tags.

The HTML document can be divided into two main sections.
Head Section
Body Section

• Head Section

<HEAD> and </HEAD> tags identify the heading or title of the document. The tags <TITLE> and </TITLE> can appear only in this section. The text between the title tags appears as title of the brower Window. Its lenght should not be more than 60 characters.  

• Body Section

The body of the HTML document contains the text that is displayed on the webpage. The body section is enclosed within <BODY> and </BODY> tags. It gives a description of the document layout and structure.

Now take a look how to do it.


Open Notepad on you computer.
Type the following HTML code in the Notepad.
  <TITLE>First HTML Practical</TITLE>
  Welcome to my website. Www.WebCodingInfo.Blogspot.Com

Now save it as First.html on your hard drive.
Now Open this file in your web browser like Google Chrome.You will see like this.



It specifies background color of the webpage.


It specifies the background picture of the webpage.


It specifies the color of text displayed on the webpage.


<BODY BGCOLOR="Red" TEXT="Yellow">
In this example the background color of the webpage is red and the text color is yellow. The color name or its hexadecimal code can be given as the value of the attribute.


<BODY BACKGROUND="mypicture. Jpeg" TEXT="green">

In this example "mypicture.jpeg" will appear in the background of the webpage. It should be stored in the same directory in which the webpage is stored. If the picture is stored in some other directory the complete path of the picture should be given the attribute.