HTML Line Spacing

HTML Line Spacing

HTML Line Spacing

Line breaks are used to decide where the text will break on a line or continue to the end
of the window. It can be used to move the control to the next line. The <BR> tag is used to
end a line without inserting a new paragraph. The <BR> has no closing tag.


The following text will be displayed in single line.
Sentence One.
Sentence Two.
The following text will appear in two different lines.

Sentence One. <BR>
Sentence Two. <BR>

Now take a look on th practical of this article.


Open Notepad and type the following code:



HTML Code For Space Between Lines <BR> HTML Space Between Tables <BR>HTML Unbreakable Space<BR>HTML Add Space Between Words



2. Save the file as break.html"
3. Double click the file. The web page will appear in the browser as follows:

HTML Line Spacing