HTML Paragraph Margin

HTML Paragraph Margin <P>

Paragraphs are used to add text to a document in such a way that it will automatically adjust the end of line to the suit thw window size of the browser. Each line of text will stretch the entire length of the window. Paragraphs are defined with the <P> tag and end with </P> tag which is optional to use.

</P>How To Start A Paragraph<P><P>HTML Code For New Paragraph </P>

HTML automatically adds an extra blank line before and after the paragraph.


Some important attributes of paragraph tag are as follows.


It specifies the alignment of paragraph. The possible values are center, left and right. The default value is left.


<P ALIGN="Right">Elements Of Paragraph</P>

This example will align the paragraph to the right side of the page.

Now take a look how to do it.


Open Notepad on your computer.
Now type the following HTML code in Notepad. 

<P ALIGN="right">HTML Stands For Hyper Text Markup Language. It Was Developed In Early 1990s. It is a formating language used to develop web pages</P>
<P ALIGN="left"> Hypertext means that HTML marks certain words in the document as links to other parts of same document or other document</P>
<P ALIGN="center">When the user clicks on a link the browser starts displaying the document attached to that link</P>

Now this file as paragraph.html and open it with you web browser. You will see it like this.