Introduction To HTML

Introduction To HTML

Introduction To HTML

What Is HTML?

HTML Stands For Hyper Text Markup Language. It Was Developed In Early 1990s. It is a formating language used to develop web pages. Hypertext means that HTML marks certain words in the document as links to other parts of same document or other document. When the user clicks on a link the browser starts displaying the document attached to that link.

HTML is a programming language. It is used to define text, graphics, audio and video in the webpages. It uses tags or markups to specify how the contents of the webpage will be displayed. HTML code can be written in any text editor like Notepad, Notepad++.

HTML was developed a few years age a subset of SGML. SGML stands for Structured Generalized Markup Language. It also describes formating and hypertext links, and differrent components of a document. It is basically an application-oriented document format. SGML is not ideal for transmission across the internet to different types of computers and browser applications.

HTML is simpler than SGML. It was for use over the internet in the form of webpages. HTML is more suitable for this purpose, It is used to design and create pages for differrent types of users of the web.